Quotes From Louis Lamour Far Blue Mountain State
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To the Far Blue Mountains Quotes
To the Far Blue Mountains by Louis L'Amour
7,547 ratings, 4.17 average rating, 345 reviews
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7,547 ratings, 4.17 average rating, 345 reviews
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To the Far Blue Mountains Quotes Showing 1-30 of 56
"After a few days, I mused, I would have no trouble. Whoever heard of a revolution of fat men?"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"The Bible, of course, for aside from religion there is much to be learned of men and their ways in the Bible. It is also a source of comments made of references and figures of speech. No man could consider himself educated without some knowledge of it."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"The more one learns the more he understands his ignorance. I am simply an ignorant man, trying to lessen his ignorance."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"All men wish to be captains, but few men wish to shoulder the burden of decision, and in coming here with these others, I had staked a claim that I must wall against misfortune."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"We must not lose touch with what we were, with what we had been, nor must we allow the well of our history to dry up, for a child without tradition is a child crippled before the world. Tradition can also be an anchor of stability and a shield to guard one from irresponsibility and hasty decision."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"My father had lived through wars and troubles, and it left him with a sense that nothing lasted but what a man made of himself."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"[Barnabas speaks] "I will drink water."
"Water? But water is not fit for men to drink. For the cattle, for birds and beast, but a man needs ale . . . or wine, if you are a Frenchman." [William answers]"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"Men distrust strangers, so have a few places where you are known … but not too well. Not"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"Yet moaning and wailing was not my way. I had never complained, for who cares for complaints? If something is wrong, one does something."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"You don't think marriage is serious?" "Of course, I do. It is the ultimate test of maturity, and many find excuses for avoiding it because they know they are not up to the challenge, or capable of carrying on a mature relationship."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"Oft times a blade across the room beyond the reach of a hand means that death is nearer. I"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"I'd know that odor anywhere! The smell of graves opened! Old graves! Of bodies long dead!" Pausing,"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"the way of men. One fights one's battles alone, not asking mercy nor expecting help."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"It is well for men to risk dangers, for we have broad backs to bear the blows, but I marvel at the courage of women who go with us, and must think of bearing children alone, and in a far place."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"He had seemed huge and fat. He was all of that, but he was also a man of unbelievable strength. His"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"Be friendly with all men and censure none, tell nobody too much of your affairs and remember in all dealings with men, or women, to keep one hand upon the doorlatch … in your mind, at least."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"Hitting his enormous body was useless. I might as well have pounded a huge leather sack filled with wheat. So"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"Not even a marshrat will trust itself to one hole only, so always have an escape route, and more than one, if it can be."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"The neck shot is best," I commented, "if chance allows. If shot through the heart or lungs they will often run a mile or more before dropping."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"but never let them think there's an end to what you have, for then you will be thrown into the worst hole they have and left to rot. There"
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"listen to the advice of others but to act only on my own beliefs, and to make my own decisions."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
"The idea that the world was flat was never put forth by a seafaring man. It was a tale told to landsmen, or to merchants who might be inclined to compete for markets, for in those days the source of raw material was closely guarded."
― To the Far Blue Mountains
― To the Far Blue Mountains
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